Type: Wessex HU5
Serial: # XS 481
Current Location:
Aeroventure. South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum
Side number: 522
History and how she looks now in Doncaster.
Notable Flights
Air Day incident, as described in Rescue Pilot chapter 9 “Summer Days, Doctors and Displays” when a joke by a Royal Marine nearly caused the loss of the aircraft.
After nearly eight hours in the saddle for the SKOELOS SKY rescue the day before (in another helicopter – see Rescue Pilot chapter 1 “A Greek Play”) we started at 0715 and spent another 4 hours 30 minutes today looking for wreckage after the sighting of a lifebuoy in the sea. Visibility down to 1/2 mile in rain. Vectored to the search by an RAF Nimrod, nothing found.
Scrambled with a Fireball for another Wessex with problems.

XS 481
522 (XS481) taking part in the Culdrose Air Day 1979. I’m flyng XS487 as the #2.

XS 481
522 (XS481) leading the other Wessex HU5s of 771 Naval Air Squadron 1980. I’m flying 23 as the tail end charlie.

XS 481
Explosions below, fighter jets above, and with smoke pouring out of the cockpit I can’t even see my own instrument panel.